New Home Education

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Designing Your Forever Home: A Blueprint for Aging with Style

By Carter Schimpff

Is your home designed to stand the test of time and adapt to your (and your family's) evolving needs as you age? Here's how you can ensure it will be.

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Demystifying the Myth: Per Square Foot Pricing

By Carter Schimpff

Ever felt like choosing a builder is a wild goose chase? A merry-go-round with a 'race to the bottom', 'who's lying to me the least' spin to it? It's probably because of the myth of per square foot pricing.

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Our Guides

Discover the 7 things you must know before designing and building a custom home

Designing and building your new dream home can be exciting and overwhelming all at once — especially when you don't know what you don't know.

Take advantage of our 140+ years of experience with this free guide that will educate you on 7 important things you must know before building your next custom home.

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Decoding Builder Jargon: Learn how to speak like a home builder

Flummoxed by friezes? Confused about coffers? Baffled by battens? Download this free guide that walks you through over 100 common home building terms and explains exactly what they mean in plain english... with pictures!

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